• 123 Street Number Neil Cownie Architect
  • 123 Street Number Neil Cownie Architect

The entry to this house is at the corner of the building on a busy street corner. To highlight the point of entry to the house we designed coloured glazed window panels that told a little story about the former petrol station on this site with the green evoking the colour of petrol and the yellow, amber and red that of engine oil. The textured obscure glazing provided light to the interior while also providing privacy. 

To emphasise the entry further we incorporated the laser cut aluminium 123 street number into the frame of the corner window. The morning sun tracks across the laser cut number casting an ever-moving shadow of the 123 street number of the house.

“It is these moments of joy that make all the difference to both the owners and the local community,” says Neil.

The use of applied metal numbers and their resulting shadows shadow on the wall below, is a nod to an element that remains common in the 1930s two-storey walk up buildings within the area.