Part of a series of posts by Neil Cownie on The Future of Swanbourne Village

Completed in 2018, awarded Irish architectural practice, O’Donnell + Tuomey, has designed a long span laminated beam over a waterway within the University College Campus in Cork, Ireland.

The sloping concrete ramps and arched buttresses were formed on site in advance of the laminated timber beam being manufactured off site before being transported and craned into place.

The concrete elements of the bridge’s design form the sculptural base of the bridge and appear to reference the shape and form of the bridges of old. The central timber portion of the bridge provided a sleek efficient solution while providing texture and detail.

What I love about this bridge is the simplicity of both the construction and the final visual experience.

Images from the O’Donnell + Tuomey Architect’s website and Instagram.

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The Bridging Communities Series