Part of a series of posts by Neil Cownie on The Future of Swanbourne Village

The ‘Swanbourne Village’ centre is comprised of three parts. To the north side along Claremont Crescent is the existing commercial area in a row of shops that have existed in this location since the early 1900’s.

In the middle ground is the railway line, railway station, bridge and open space (both public space and Public Transport).

To the south along Railway Road is another commercial strip in a row of shops, offices and some apartments.

Together these three elements work together create a true ‘village’ feel with vibrant activity along both commercial area frontages, connected centrally via the existing bridge.

This bridge in its existing location is the single reason that this location of the Swanbourne railway station has the commercial success that it does. The bridge brings activity central to the precinct and allows pedestrian and bicycle traffic to pass between the two commercial zones.

This arrangement and the resulting community orientated hub is exactly the things that the State Governments METRONET strives to achieve.

This local centre, with its double-sided commercial zones central to a bridge, is the only one of its kind along the entire length of the Midland to Fremantle line.

Drawing created by Neil Cownie Architect. Photo by Robert Frith.

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The Bridging Communities Series